I asked my friend the other day if black women are the only women that are encouraged to consider marrying "down"? I came across a blog where there was a video skit about the single, professional black woman. According to this video, written and directed by a black man it seems, professional black women are single because we're believing our own hype. Too much pride in our accomplishments of obtaining a college education/degree, career and home...all or most on the solo tip. The video parody went on to mock black women for going on vacations(cruises, music festivals) and sleeping with the "help"( bell hops, taxi drivers) when we wont give the brother who works at Mickey D's in our neighborhood the time of day.
Man!!! I never knew living good could draw sooo much "hating." So, let me get this right....I should downplay my college degrees(not one, but two bruh...read em and weep), my career that affords me the opportunity to purchase not one, not two, but three houses( starting to hurt now huh?) ? And correct me if Im wrong, I should stay home because traveling the world makes me what? A slut? Stay home and watch you do what? Play with a video camera 'cause you afraid to get off the block? Men like that kill me. I have a suggestion, matter of fact, I have several from different sources. From me: "Step yo' mfin game up"; from my ace boon: "Get your weight up"; from my road dawg: "Act like you been somewhere."
My father was going to Cal State LA, working nights as a security guard while supporting his wife(my mother) and two children (both from his wife). That was in the 1960's. Then, he was smart enough to get hired by a company that paid for his MBA from University of Missouri, Kansas City. Now, years later, shit lets make that decades later, after footing every single expense I had during my stellar undergraduate pursuit, Im supposed to step to him with the dude who works at McDonald's in tow? Naw, main...that's not gonna happen for a whole bunch of reasons, mainly because I walk the walk and talk the talk.
My dude is a BOSS. What's a BOSS you ask? A BOSS is that man who wouldn't dare put you down or mock you for enjoying the fruits of your labor. Why? Because he does the same thing. He knows how to enjoy life. Laugh at your degree? The BOSS is a professional man, familiar with the rigors and sacrifices associated with higher ed. "Saditty", "Bougie", "thinks she's all that"...none of those are in his vocabulary, its beneath him. He's too busy making "the" decisions, not "a" decision...he has real responsibility that requires intelligence and business savvy, not "swagger". When the BOSS makes decisions, he's thinking of the long term implications and benefits for his family. Hiding behind a video camera, belittling the virtues and goals of his female counterpart is not his style because its not on his radar. When I think of The BOSS I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:11 : "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Economy and me
The economy in California is trippin' me out. Some state workers are required to take off three unpaid days per month. Those three unpaid days constitute about a 15% pay cut. I wonder if the legislature counted on how much State workers contribute to the State's economy? I work in an area where there are some state offices and I have noticed that the usually booming restaurants, that used to bust at the seams with county and state workers, are now kind of bare. So, the state workers furloughs are now effecting the bottom line of restaurants. As a result, restaurants then lay off cooks, cashiers, etc. because business isnt what it used to be.
Some state workers are losing their homes and what little financial footing they have because of the furloughs. The alternative to the furloughs, as proposed by the legislature several months ago, were a series of tax increases that I voted against. I now wonder about my vote. I had been listening to ALOT of talk radio: Conservative, white males disavowing the daily contributions of state workers who perform duties ranging from maintenance to management and, of course, praising the hard working private industry that no doubot makes it money from government workers or government contracts.
The current climate, well the political and financial climate, in California leaves alot to be desired. And I know its not just here...its everywhere. But Im feelin like I want to see what its like elsewhere.
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