Thursday, January 29, 2009

Boo'd Up

By some strange stroke of the key or mouse, I selected "in a relationship" instead of "single" on facebook. Call it prophetic or a freudian typo but the attention I received as a result was amazing. I got a salty text while hard at work "Oh, I had to find out on fb that you're in a relationship?" Now, I'm not the "don't bug me while I'm working type"...I can multitask. But I am the "don't call or text me with stupid sh*t" type. What bugged me the most was I responded! Because I was so sure I selected "single", I had no idea what this person was talking about. But, I started thinking...its my fb page. Mine, not yours, but mine! If I want to put a picture of my face on the body of sheep and post it on MY facebook spot( my worst fear about my picture on the internet btw), guess what? I can do that (I think). Why? Because its MINE! But I'll keep it real...that's not how I responded. I said "What?? I chose single." Now this seemed to soothe the savages but I had to wonder what's wrong if I am in a relationship? And if I am, who is privy to that information? And if someone had to find out on facebook, is that a new cardinal sin? No, I'm not dating anyone, including the person who tried to chin check me. But I want to date, I want to check that "in a relationship" box. In fact, I want to do a Tony Wideman and put I AM MARRIED at the top of my facebook page.

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