Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Baby and me makes....

I had a great conversation with one of my long time male buddies, Mike. As he was talking about how well his kids dance, he stopped and asked me if I intended to have kids. It's funny because I contacted my doctor a couple of weeks ago and asked what the unobvious steps were to getting pregnant, since I'm giving it some thought. My doctor advised me accordingly and I felt accomplished in that I took one step in the direction of having a baby by initiating the conversation with my doctor. Now, I've since moved onto other things(should I get a puppy?), but it's on my to do list.

Mike framed it so well for me and he really has me thinking about having a baby...I mean I was already thinking about it but it slipped down the list of priorities in the last couple of weeks. Mike said that this would be a great time for me to have a kid(s)...he recollected that when he had his first child at the age of 23 that he felt as if he would be raising kids his entire adult life. That gave me hope. Now that I'm ready to "sit it down", so to speak, I have all the time, energy, love and resources to devote to my baby(ies). Wow, you just don't know what day to day blessings are in store when you wake up each day and this conversation was one of them.

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